Food & Wine

Sushi Oe Omakase Dinner

MON 17 JUNE | 6PM & 8PM | $350

Sushi Oe Omakase: renowned two-hatted omakase Sushi Oe’s menu will take centre stage during a one-night takeover at Shell House. With Chef Toshihiko Oe’s famed six-seater restaurant notoriously booked out a month in advance, this rare opportunity promises an unforgettable dining experience. Guests will indulge in Chef Oe’s meticulously crafted dishes, celebrated for their seafood-focused delights, in the intimate setting of Shell House.

$350 incl. full omakase experience + glass of Perrier-Jouët Brut & Perrier-Jouët Rosé
6PM & 8PM seatings
Limited seats available
Presented by Perrier-Jouët


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